Monday, May 11, 2009

Tagging time!

I’ve been tagged by Jan. sorry i was kinda late for this, due with too many activities going on, as you can see its been a while i did not blog too...sigh...

Okay, first thing first. The Rules:
First, you need to mention the person who tagged you.
Second, you need to tell 7 facts about yourself.
And thirdly, you need to tag another 7 bloggers, let us know what you tag them, and let those bloggers know that they’ve been tagged.

So … have I followed the rules? Let’s see …

Number 1: mentioning the person who tagged me. Checked! It was Jan at The little web

Number 2: 7 facts about me, eh? Here it goes …

  1. I'm 21 this october and still jobless.. deng~~
  2. into superbikes since 2007 (19th bday present)
  3. lately just started photography as well... currently using film cameras SLR, and DSLR.
  4. crash a bike once in my lifetime, was doing 160km/h and thank god i survive...thanks to all my gears...escape with very minor injury
  5. i cant make any plans... just go with the flow kinda guy..
  6. dun like to get instructed too much, and being pressured..
  7. would like to take my photography to a next level.. thats all... :)
Number 3: Tag 7 bloggers, and why?

Prince of darkness: why him? he's a photog too, yea, he upload his pics and elaborate them as its kinda interesting to know wut other people think of an image.. coz i might see it diffrently...

The little web: hrmm, well wut shall i say? well, she talks bout kids, and family stuff.. but its interest me on how a mother would talk bout their child.. and maybe my mum said the same thing too...hrmm...dududud~~~

-KM lim-: he'sa photog too... basically its the same as prince of darkness.. nuthing much to say bout it... a photog's blog is all the same...kekekek hrmm from singapore with love... just look at his artwork...his pics... *drools* nuff said.. :)

well, sorry to say, only follow this blog..and other once in a while...but most of the time i will follow this 4 blogs.... kekekek

thats all for now i guess... the history of my blog... a blog without picutures...just to keep this tagging thingy going la... thats all.. hrmm well, keep it rolling guys... peace~

1 comment:

  1. Hey, you can't tag me again! I was the one who tag you before ;p
    Anyway, thanks for playing though ...
